So, welcome to Animal Crackers, a site for writers to share their work, get feedback, and give even more feedback. We're glad to have you on!
A little bit about the fine print, though these aren't so much rules as practical guidelines.
The process is simple: post something, read what others post, and reply with your thoughts. There is no set time period, but we've been trying to maintain a once a week posting routine, give or take a day or two (sometimes that day gets stretched a bit...).
We maintain the right to give you the evil eye if you slack off on posting (this is me giving myself the eye right now), and while I want you to be able to use this group as a way to get another opinion on your words--a crucial thing for any writer--but also, I want us to be allowed slap your wrists if you don't produce something, anything. Writing is about actually writing, not talking about writing, thinking about writing, or considering what you will write.
Geez, I'm starting to sound like a posting Nazi here. That's not my intention. Post when you want, but if you start something good, just realize that we (maybe just me) will bug you for more. The being bugged is my biggest reason for being in a group. Accountability and all that.
Now, I could go on and on about the benefits of a writer's group, but you're here, so presumably, you already know. A few requests though, before we all get down and dirty:
No bloodshed on the posting boards. We're all adults here, our intention is not to offend anyone, but if you find something offensive, then hit the X in the corner of your screen, and we wish you luck in another group.
Your writing is worth reading. It's ok to want others to read it and give comments.
Your comments are just as valuable. Give feedback. Be honest. Be helpful. Be specific. (I am such a teacher sometimes, yeesh!)
Ok, enough already. I pass the floor over to CR, who always manages to get the nitty gritty details that I don't see.
You are most welcome here, and I can't wait to read what you've got! =]
This section will discuss why the Workshop portion of Animal Crackers is Adult Only. Be prepared to state that you are over 18 years of age.
First, we are not here to workshop erotica or any other type of fiction whose sole purpose is to provoke sexual arousal. Not that we disapprove of such texts; I imagine that many of us also write erotica. Simply said, there are more than enough places to workshop erotica on the Internet. Why reinvent the wheel?
Animal Crackers' focus is on sci-fi/fantasy works, and for many sci-fi/fantasy writers, sexuality is a major theme. Members are encouraged to feel safe that they can discuss sexual themes and adult content without backlash.
Topics of racial equality and gender equality are also fair game. Sci-fi/fantasy typically critiques race and gender in our contemporary culture. Before reacting to fiction that presents societies where races and genders are not equal, consider that the writer is attempting to show current conditions in a fictional setting.
For most businesses, sexuality, race and gender are dangerous topics. You have been warned. If you work for a company that is extremely squeamish, engage the workshop at home!
Lastly, the Workshop is moderated. If you are offended, discuss the situation with either Jen or myself.
Now, I am finished talking in my professorial voice. Here's my gushingly friendly side--welcome. We are dedicated to making this a safe and encouraging site for sci-fi/fantasy writers. Let us know how we can make the site work for you.