I have a feeling that this will go over well, seeing as we're all educated enough to question our leaders. I saw this movie a while ago, and, to use an old cliche, it blew my mind.
It's a conspiracy theory movie about Christianity and its relationship to myth. It also goes into the banking institutions and the 9/11/01 attacks. The coincidences are just too great.The financial benefits for the powers that be, and that total lack of benefits for the "terrorists", just call for speculation and severe distrust of our government.
Here's the movie. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/
It's free, of course. It takes about two hours to watch, and if anything else, it's entertaining. If anyone disagrees with the statements, please, feel free to convince me. I would love to think that all of this stuff isn't true, but like I said, the evidence is very compelling.